Tuesday, October 11, 2011

october 11

Day 11: Another picture of you and your friends:

Ok. Apparently the writer of this list has lots of friends, or was running out of ideas. I can appreciate the "repeat" decision. I do that as well, but its usually with dinners. I went on a long stretch of being obsessed with having loaded baked potatoes for dinner. Over. And over. And over.  Micah finally said one day, "So, how long are we doing the potato thing? I'd sure like to see some meat and another vegetable on a plate sometime..."  Praise God that man has the patience of Job.

Anyhoo, photos of friends. Here we go...

Recent trip to see these amazing gals in Minnesota. (Beth and Nicole) Chrissy was missing. We were sad. I wrote a post about the trip, and forgot to publish it. oops.  I should also note, Nicole took this photo.

Here is another. These are my girlfriends from college. Kelli and Beth. Two other pals, Amy and Jamie, couldn't make the trip. We have gone years without chatting, but when we get together, it is like we are back being giddy nineteen year olds serenading Micah over the phone. Did I just admit to that? Yes. Yes I did.

Blogger is making the photos all wonky again, and I have neither the time or energy to resize them. If you click on them they should be clearer.

Day 11. Done.

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