Thursday, December 28, 2006
Yuck, gross, and yep, yuck again....
Thursday, December 21, 2006
A little non holiday to share...
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Tagged by...
1.Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Egg nog, but just one cup, on CHristmas Eve...
2.Does "Santa" wrap presents or just sit them under the tree? Wrapped of course!
3.Colored lights on tree/house or white? White...
4.Do you hang mistletoe? Yep. just got a new one from my sis.. any reason to trap Micah for a kiss is a good one!!LOL 5.When do you put your decorations up? The day after Thanksgiving... ALWAYS!!
6.What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? My mother in laws Broccoli Casserole
7.Favorite Holiday memory as a child? Going to cut down our own tree... 4 girls, one mother, lots of snide comments, and probably a curse word or two. That is the funny one. The other is singing at church on Christmas Eve... I loved the little candles!
8.When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? Ya' know, I don't even remember, so apparently it wasn't too earth shattering for me!
9.Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? Not usually.
10.How do you decorate your Christmas Tree? White lights, "old fashioned" looking ornaments,this year we added hand painted eggs that I picked up in Austria. 10.Snow! Love it or Dread it? Love it! I stay home and bake!!!
11.Can you ice skate? A bit...
12.Do you remember your favorite gift? Sony headphones in the 5th I thought I was so cool!!!!!!!!!!!
13.What's the most exciting thing about the Holidays for you? The spiritual realization of Christ's birth... it amazes me to think what He gave up to become a helpless baby... We also love the tree decorating, the extra time with family and friends, the happiness of it all...
14.What is your favorite Holiday Dessert? Apple pie... I love it- But only HOME MADE!!
15.What is your favorite holiday tradition? I love getting the tree after Thanksgiving. I also enjoy our Christmas Eve dinner. Every year we have a tradtional German meal... YUM! (Sorry Miss Brown English Muffin, no mint jelly here... unless you want it on your sauerkraut???LOL)
16.What tops your tree? The tree topper is an angel that a former student's "Granny" made for me... I love it! 17.Which do you prefer: give or receive? I like BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL... remember I am a 4th child folks!!
18.What is your favorite Christmas Song? Away in the Manger. I love it especially this year as both boys sing it in the back of the car... so cute!!
19. Candy Canes? The honest truth... ugh,this is so humiliating.... I like Candy Canes after a few months in the cookie jar... they get softer and "chewy", and I love them that way. THERE! NOW YOU KNOW...I LIKE OLD,SOFT, CANDY CANES... I realize I may never hear from some of you again once you read that shockingly gross fact about me, but it feels good to come clean.... Happy Holidays... Here are some Holiday album pages... do they make up for the fact that I am a GOCCE? (Gross Old Candy Cane Eater)

Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Guess where I was????

Yep, Disney! We went to see my sis and my little nephew down in Florida. He is such a cutie. We even went to Disney and the Animal Kingdom. The boys loved it, even though they are a bit too young to really get it some of it. They were happy just to see it all really!!

The funny thing was, Lincoln got most excited about the "train" ride from the parking lot to the entrance!LOL. Then we took him into toon town and I said, "Do you want to go see Mickey Mouse's house???" He got all excited and said. "Oh YES!!!!" and started running towards it. He stopped and looked at me and said, "Who is Mickey Mouse?" i was laughing so stinking hard.

Then, he sat on Santa's lap, and when Santa said, "What do you want for Christmas?" He said, "Oh, nothing. We already have a tree, but thanks Santa! BYe!" and hopped off running back to me. He was so funny! The weather was CHILLY for Florida too, but it was perfect for going to the theme parks. I was originally going to try and take Ali's classes in Tampa, but thanks to Jury Duty we had to cut the trip short, plus I felt bad taking a whole day of our mini-vacation and leaving Micah with all the kiddos... Here is the BEST part...we get home and ... yep, you guessed it... Micah did NOT even have to go down for the stinking jury duty! Oh, well... it just wasn't meant to be this time I guess!!LOL.

I will have to say, my little guys were sooooo good in the car. They played with little matchbox cars, read books, ate snacks, sang with us, and slept. It was a fun road trip... except for the EXTREMELY disappointing Vanilla Mocha Smoothie from the gas station... it was so gross. It tasted like cherry pipe tabacco. Really. Micah even said so. I was a bit bummed, it was my to be my special "car drink", but wowee, if that is the worst part of our trip... we did great!!LOL.
Hope you guys are all having fun planning and doing Holidayish things!! We sure are... I am off to get caught up on some "stuff"... laundry, bills, etc... I will post some Holiday album pics soon!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Our Holiday Album...
I had it all done on Friday, except the "2006". I thought I had little number stamps, so I wanted to use those with some paint... no, I do not own number stamps... weird that I thought I did though huh? So, I resorted, finally, to the rubons... not loving them... may cover them up at a later date and change it a little. I would like to note that there is no stapled ribbon, or paint on the edges thus far... a major accomplishment for me!LOL. I will be sanding all the photo edges though.... Come on, you didn't expect me to go cold turkey here did ya'?
The little trees in the left corner are actually triangle jump rings that I put patterned paper behind, I think they came out cute, except that the KI memories glue leaves a residue everywhere... I may have to modpodge the cover because if it. And that paper is not actually visible directly above the bookplate. The gluedots have a little "give" and shifted during scanning...
I am relaxed and having fun this holiday season already... I took alot of stress out by getting all adults giftcards,and not worrying over the outside decorations. So this little book should be fun, I am writing down the memories in my trusty little sketch book, so I can scrap them at any time.
Ok, its very late, I couldn't sleep, and now, I am clearly babbling, and oddly, I am not nearly as sarcastic at 3:21am as I am in the day... what a fun new fact about me... I am a nicer person in the middle of the, when no one sees me... sweet... go Team Jude...

Friday, December 01, 2006
AEzine challenge...12-1-06

Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Holy RAK Batman!!!

Saturday, November 25, 2006
Thanksgiving Album...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
I am sick...
Friday, November 17, 2006
AEzine challenge...11-17

OK, Seriously....

True enough, a little. I have to clean my scrap space up a bit, and that will take a while, so I am avoiding the cleaning by blogging... what a lazy woman I am huh? So, I have designated Sunday as scrap day... I will create, make things, be artsy... can you schedule creativity? PLUS, I wanted to show you all that my new Autumn Leaves stamps are here... and My 7Gs too... YEAH! See... I must create. Did you see the Maya Road ribbons... CAN'T WAIT TO CREATE... hmmmm that rhymes a little too... see, bloggin can spark creativity... I am being poetic... OKay... laundry duties call, and putting away groceries, and you know what... I had to stop and wipe a butt while writing this... that's why I can't scrap right now... poop does not inspire me... well, not that much anyway...

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Can we say EXCITED????
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
My Loves:
1. My acrylic stamps... I have just gotten into these over the last few months, and I love them.I have TONS of the red stamps, and have used them for years, but I like being able to see where the image is going.
2.The new Ali E book... well, okay, its not so new now, but other than the Bible, I rarely pick up a book and repeatedly learn something from it. I always go there for quick inspiration.
3.Heidi Swapp chipboard... sand it, paint it, put rub ons on it... I love them...
4.Scenic Route Paper... it was like a mission for me to get them, and now i keep them out in a pile by my stuff because I keep using them...
5.My staedtler pens. DO i love them just because they are German, like me??? No, it is also because they are the only pens I have found that don't make a scritchy scratchy noise/feel when I write with them... anyone know what i am talking about??
Not So Much Love for:
1. Adhesive that is on my table, which I forget, until I go to pick up something, and it is stuck. I need a big quilt cutting mat. (or to remember to clean my table more...)
2.Scratchy pens... see the above "loves" #5 for more on that...
3.Paper cutters that cut crooked... I am putting great hope in that new one from Making Memories...
4.My messy desk...I know its not technically the desk's fault, but being the good 4th child that I am, I must assign blame to something other than myself...
5.Scrapper's Block...knowing what I want to create, but lacking the mojo to do it
Things I tend to repeat
1.Heidi Swapp chipboard titles... is there really a way to have too much HS chipboard though???Really??
2.Stapled ribbon...I just love it, and I am not ashamed to admit it. Long after the ribbon craze is over, you will still see a stapled ribbon on my work I am sure. I will cling to it like I did my 80s leggings... and you see what happened there, they are so back! (though I have vowed NOT to wear them under a mini skirt again...)
3.The off set photo on a large piece of Patterned Paper. (ya' know, like a 6x6 piece of PP and a 4x5 picture... I just can't seem to stop...)
4.Sanding photo edges... I love it,love it, love it... and if being in love with photo edge sanding is wrong, I don't want to be right... hahahahaha... I love a little country song sarcasm...
5.Staples...I know i already said stapled ribbon, but I also like to just add a few staples if a page looks empty. They're cute, fun, and come in so many cool colors now...
What I want to try
1. A digital LO... just one. I love paper and am too computer dumb to switch completely, but I am intrigued by the cool designs...
2.Sewing on a LO... I am a horrid seamstress though...
3.Printing text on Photos... I know I can do this easliy, but with two little kids, sometimes I just want to print the pictures and get to scrappin' ya' know??
4.Going to a scrap "event"... like Scrap Etc. or CKU... learning ,laughing, other crazy,fun,fun!!
5.Distress powders... after years of embossing cards I have avoided this product, but now I am seeing such cool stuff with it, I am forgetting about all the curled paper,burnt fingers, etc...
Products I would be cranky without
1.7 Gypsies Word stickers... I got the whole alphabet collection from QVC, and I adore them. Yes, I did just go into Julie Andrew mode by using the word "adore" to describe a scrapbooking item... (she played in Sound Of Music, ya' know, the "Hills are Alive" and all that...)
2.Mono-Adhesive... yes, I realize there are much more hip adhesives out there. I even own the renowned hermafix, but good grief, who wants to reload that thing? I am a mono girl...
3.My staedtler pens. I use them for cards, LOs, journals, and even my Beth Moore "Breaking Free" Bible study book... I want the future generation who finds my Bible study books to know that, while, yes, I was a horrid sinner, struggling with all manner of poor behaviors, at least I took the time to write about in a neat fashion.
4.Glue Dots...I love them for embellishments, and for all that stapled ribbon I use...
5.Cropper Hopper Paper Holders... vertical storage is the bomb... eeewww did I just type the words "the bomb"... what a lingo geek I am... oh, well... at least my paper is stored in proper trendiness...
Weird Things I do when I scrap
1. Drink something... I am clutzy, so this is akin to... well, stupidity really...
2.Stop in the middle of scrapping to look at my favorite online store...
3.Say things like "Love it" the way Wheezy on Dragontales says it, when I like how something is looking... In fact, when I leave any of you comments and it says "LOVE IT" I am saying it just like Wheezy from Dragontales...
4.Take out way too many papers...
5.I refuse to sand over my work area, I turn around to the computer desk to sand things...cause ya' know, sand dust is good for computers...
Dear Santa...
1. More stamps... some little flourishes would be grand...
2.An office makeover... cool little cupboards, storage, etc...
3.A taller desk... yes, this could technically fall under the makeover, but I would love a big tall desk that my kids hands couldn't reach...
4.A printer/scanner that can handle 12x12... wouldn't that be the epson???
5.The new Canon Rebel...
So, there you have it. If you read all that, I commend you... consider yourself tagged... and let me know in the comments if you're going to do it so I can read yours... and I'll leave with a fun photo... these are on their way here as I type... and I type so slow that they may be here before I finish... ledger stamps from Autumn Leaves...
can't wait...

Thursday, November 09, 2006
AEzine challenge...
So, I never get the Ali challenges done in time, but this week, I knew I could when I realized I had been using my stamps some in the JuSt tO LeT yOu KnOw album... technically, I think I was supposed to use a geometric as well, BUT in my defense... (You KNOW that phrase has to make it in every post, ugh, I am SUCH a 4th child.) My little swirly is a circle as well, so... again I get to use the el-sicko "kill two birds with one stone" saying. I finished them today, and Lincoln cheered for me. He was literally seeking high fives, and telling me the new pages were "GREAT!" How cool is he? (very cool!) Here are the pages, the second one is the challenge one... I am also going to add them to the slide show on the right. I now you can't read the writing when it won't enlarge, and if you click on them there, they'll be bigger. I never know the rhyme or reason behind blogger and the whole "clickable" photos...
JOBS... fun to remember the ol' days... If you read them, and you see the part where I was a produce clerk, and I call my boss "legless" I am not being mean. He really was, he lost his legs from above the knees down to diabetes. He still drove, kept that stand going, and was a kind boss. He once put his truck in reverse accidentally, while he had the door open. His legs flew off and out into the road. I heard him call me, and went to help him. He yelled for me to get his legs, so I did. Yep, a 13yr old girl, standing in the middle of the road with a leg... complete with sock and shoe... cars were clearly wondering... again, I digress...

This one was where you interview someone else, asking them questions about you... Oh my word, Micah and I were laughing so hard while I was asking him these. He was cracking me up, and I know it is not properly conveyed in writing, but when he was giving the airport "description" of me, he was all serious... until he broke out that little sign comment. (see, now you want to go click the slide show and read it don't ya'? or not... I don't mind... you're still reading aren't you... my three little dots have tricked you again... they are hypnotic aren't they... ?

Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Finally... it is here...

Monday, November 06, 2006

Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Christmas LO...

Sunday, October 29, 2006
Does this make me a bad mom or a good one???

They make an almond toffee one too that is quite delish, but this one is like a little peppermint pattie in a bottle. And, as my reckless children would say... "Yummy,yummy in my tummy!" Or should that be "Yummy,yummy on lips, grows into a fat roll on my hips"???
Thursday, October 26, 2006
JuSt tO LeT yOu KnOw... 2 more pages...
Oh, and I forgot to say that I cut that MM letter J... yep, broke out the ol' kitchen shears and cut off all the excess, then sanded it down a bit. I have been watching "This Old House" too much i think...
Monday, October 23, 2006
Silly Hair Day...
I turned the boy's hair blue! Yep, a nice little blue mohawk. It was a nice, bright, blue too... and he loved it, so that is what counts. (and makes him such a cool little kid!!) Yes, it was permanent too. No wash out stuff here folks, this was a true "double process" as they say in the world of hair coloring. The best part actually came this morning... I had dried my own hair curly Sunday, and when I woke up Monday morning, I looked a little wild... red curls were everywhere. So, Micah says, "Hey look at Mommy's hair" to which my little stinker replies, "Yep, I guess its Silly Hair Day for her today huh?" So, apparently, "Silly Hair Day" will be a new term and insult around our house. Nice. Anyway, here are the pictures...

Bleaching it white...
The Bleached out look...

Applying the blue...
The results... a very cool blue!

Leaving for school...
And to anyone wondering, NO. It is not still there, we cut it all off into a cute little cropped cut on Saturday. So, no more blue. I did of course save a little lock of it for his baby book. HAHA!! I am such a cool mom.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Three More pages to see...
I was also tagged by Theresa ( ) for this fun little quiz... Here goes! 5 Weird things about me...
- I sing super loud in the car with the boys. I am usually hollaring off key and sounding terrible, so I am sure this is creating a non-pleasant experience for my kids...
- I use liquid and powder creamer in my coffee
- I have a highly powerful sense of smell
- I do "voices" when I read the boys stories. (i.e. the Big Bad Wolf has a NY accent, etc.)
- I have every ziploc bag known to man, and keep adding to them when they are on sale. I would hate to run out ya' know...
That last one was courtesy of Micah, who I must say seemed surprised that i needed a little help picking a 5th weird trait. Hmmmm... In my defense with the baggies, when you have coupons and they are sale, why not buy them up??? They aren't going to go bad or anything, and I am getting them for like, 50 cents a box! Fess up... what do you have stockpiled????