I found mine...
Unfortunately my twin is a small rat from the comic section of the paper.
It's okay, I am over it.
I can deal with the rat twin, because Dude, at least I am not the pig...
Here is why. Yes another comic strip, but man, this rat just gets me ya' know... click them to read...

And this is the one that started it all... I have posted it before, but truly, it bears repeat viewing.

I honestly do want that mallet.
I really have no human twin... in fact I am the odd man out in my family. All my sisters resemble each other and another relative. Alot. Me, um no. I seriously asked my mom once if I was the milkman's kid. (and yes, we did have a milkman, but that is another story.) She denied it, so I guess I believe her. :) Although growing up she did always say the gypsies left me on her doorstep. So they all looked alike, but every one of us four girls had their "thing"...
The oldest, Sue was the drama girl, starring in plays and such. Sharon, she was the nice one, all creative and motherly... a Martha Stewart type, only no jail time. Patti, she was the smart one and the pretty one... yes, totally unfair that one gets both of those, but it is what it is... (quick grab the waffle iron! LOL. Oh, you are not laughing??? That is because you did not read the comic.Now I need the mallet.)
And me...
I was the sister who played sports...
That was me.
So you can see how this went down...
Sue: "Mom, I am starring in a play again! Look at my name in the playbill!"
Mom:"So proud! You are so talented!"
Sharon:"Mom, I volunteered at the homeless shelter and made you this wreath from grapevines I picked and dried myself!"
Mom:"So proud. You are so creative!"
Patti:"Mom, look another year of straight A's, oh, and do these size 2 jeans make me look fat?"
Mom;"So proud, you are so smart, and pretty!"
Jude: "So, mom, I mooned someone today on the soccer bus home from the game. I thought you should have a heads up before the coach calls."
Mom:"Oh... so, um, well... aren't you just all muddy and bruised! Yeah for you!!"
Just kidding, I know my mom was proud, well, not of the mooning, but in general... and if she isn't she can take it up my father, the milkman...
Here is my latest LO for Unpubbed...
its Open call time so go and create something brilliant and win some free stuff...