Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The news is...

Nothing. I am still 3 cm, not effaced, and here is the best part... because I am group strep B positive, they are not allowed to sweep my membranes... joy.
The good news... I was having some contractions during the stress test, and didn't even know it. The baby has 19 cm of fluid. (um, normal is 5-20, so the kid is enjoying the swimming.) And best of all... if this kid can come tomorrow afternoon or this weekend, the female docs are on call.... Please, pray that he/she will make an appearance soon... :)
Thanks for all the sweet e-mails too! :)


  1. I'm praying for an arrival tomorrow or soon after!

  2. Had to come check on you to see if my girl had her baby. Keep us posted. Yeah, that means you Micah!

  3. Oh yeah, I forgot to add. I wanna be in on your next Circle Journal, pretty please. I want a piece of your artwork to treasure.

  4. I was just sure this post would pop up w/a baby pic!

    Hoping you get your lady doctors!


  5. I was so sure it was going to have a baby picture attatched...tell that child enough swimming, it's time to get out and dry off :)

  6. Praying for you Jude! Kim

  7. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!!!

  8. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Okay, i don't know you, but i can't wait to see a pic of that little baby! It has come sooner or later, right! Hang in there!

  9. girlllllllll!!!! Would you come on already!!!! LOL. I'm praying I'm praying he/she she????was that me, will get here in her own good and healthy time. Hope that's soon. Hugs

  10. So happy you are in labor! We were all so excited to hear the news at Bible Study this morning. We prayed for you and can't wait to see who comes out!!!!

    Hee, Hee, Hee, Whoooooo to you!

  11. i am patiently waiting!!! :)
