So, I haven't
just been a lazy blogger. We were traveling last week. We made a quick trip to see my family. The weather was perfect up there (yes, that is rare for Buffalo I know!) Window fans like AC at night, and a breezy 70 degrees during the day. The boys had fun playing with their cousins, and were really good in the car. Here are two new trip pointers:
#1 Always take a map... we got stuck in traffic miles long on the highway (um, something about merging we don't get apparently!) We turned back and bought a map at a gas station and went the back way. The cost of said map... $4.95! That is one of those cheesy little paper maps too, you know the kind that no one can fold up correctly on the first try.
#2 Don't drink tons of water while in a state of knockedupedness... a knockeduped bladder is NOT the same size a normal one.
#3 If you are stopping at a hotel halfway, with the point being to swim in the indoor pool, ask if the pool is operational before booking said hotel. You never know when a high school basketball team will rip an entire liner out thus closing the pool indefinitely.
Onto the other part of our title... "Micah learns a lesson". I feel responsible a little, I mean this did happen at my mom's house... but he should have known better too...
You see, my mom loves, and I mean LOVES to keep things. All manner of things... old bills (and I do mean cancelled checks and electric bills from the 70s!) magazines, just stuff. Well, unfortunately she also feels this odd attachment to foods...
Micah and I once found salad dressing that was 4 years past its expiration date in her fridge. So, you see, he is armed with this knowledge. You will find all manner of outdated food and beverage in there. I admit, it is a little scary. BUT I know what to look out for. (NEVER use her salad dressing... seriously, I think if you listen closely danger bells from the food ghosts start to go off in warning.)
When we got there, I went to put the three TINY cooler packs in her freezer... first off there is no room anywhere. That's cause if it doesn't get eaten, it gets frozen! I think cottage cheese might be one of the few "non freezables" to mom. So, I am looking, looking, and I see like 40 butter wrappers stuck in there on a shelf. I say, "Mom, what are all these butter wrappers in here for???"
"Well, you can use them to grease pans for baking, like when you make bread," was her reply.
Hmmm??? Really? Cause I think the last time I remember my mom making bread was when I was in a training bra. (note, she is an excellent cook, I am not mocking her bread making ability. I would hate to rile the yeast lovers out there.)
So, one morning, I notice Micah has had some coffee... with creamer...
I ask him, "Micah, did you check the date on that before you used it?"
He says, "No, your mom just gave it to me."
FOOL!! Her perky early morning spirit tricked you!!! I go the the fridge and what do I find... the creamer he used...
Expiration date....
April 30 .... 2006!!!!
He was so grossed out, and was going, "Why? Why would she give me that?"
Well, the answer my friends is simple...
My mom is doing some sort of secret botox experiment by giving unsuspecting people internal botulism to see if it gives the desired effect on the crows feet. I don't know why!!
It gets even better... we explored further and found another creamer. The date???
Are you ready???
November 20th.... 2005!!!!!!!!!
Don't get me started on the odd colored orange juice or the Kudos granola bars from 2004..
Just in case you think I am kidding, I took these as proof...

And yes, I did make fun of my mom to her face so I am not being mean. She even swore that they were still good, and I told her "Ok, sister, YOU are using that 2005 in your coffee tomorrow!" Um, yeah, they were gone by the time I got up the next day...
Here are some Niagara Falls pics too... the boys loved The Maid of the Mist. It is a boat ride that gets you right up close to the falls. So cool. We had a minor issue at the Canadian border because I failed to bring the boys birth certificates... in my defense... they are not required until 2008, I checked. Plus growing up in WNY I have hopped across that border so many times with no ID I didn't think it would be an issue. Thanks to Lincoln's cuteness and his Sam I am talking to the lady, she waved off the inspectors... Phew.