So, as many of you have attested to, you grow into friendships with your blog pals, and you would wonder, neigh worry, if they just ceased to post... (and don't you love the use of the word neigh? I feel like a student who just got a bonus on the spelling test for using it in a sentence!)
So, what would your call to the cops be? What would you say? How would you describe some of your blog pals?
"How long have they been gone ma'am?"
"Well, she hasn't posted in about three weeks, so..."
"Huh? Posted what? Bail?"
"WHAT? No, she hasn't posted on her blog, ya' know, web log"
The officer, now sensing he is dealing with a not so normal person says, "So how long have you known the person?"
"Well, I've been reading her blog for months, we e-mail, and..."
The officer growing frustrated, "So, describe her..."
"Well, she has sparkly eyes, she touches them up somehow in Photoshop, but I don't remember exactly how, her kids are adorable, they were sick a few weeks ago, but are better now, so I know that's not the problem, and her Layouts, well, she is just so talented. Her word for the year is "CREATE' wasn't that a great choice? Her husband recently surprised her for her birthday... there's a great page about that one in her archives, she loves fontwerks stamps and 7Gypsies stickers, like me, and she just sent me the loveliest RAK last month..."
"No, lady, I mean like how tall is she? What was she wearing when you last saw her?"
"well, I don't know how tall exactly, she is sitting in most of the pictures, and she wears pajamas alot, so there is no telling what she was wearing that day."
Now the police officer clearly thinks he ought to start filling out the involuntary commitment papers, "SO, lady, are you saying this woman is your dear friend, you 'converse' almost daily, talk about your lives, your work, etc. and you have never actually met?"
"Well, yes... but we did reach the ultimate point of blog trust. Ya' know, that 'okay, I know she is not a weirdo' trust, and exchanged addresses. DO you think you could just check?"
"Well, okay ma'am...but this is highly unusual"
ANd later that day, you find out, via a call from the officer, "Okay. I have located your 'friend' and she wanted to me to say...thanks sooooo much for checking on her. your dear blogging friend's internet was down, because her dog chewed on the cable cords, while she was making her card for the emily falconbridge challenge, have you done yours yet? And then there was the AliE newsletter one too. What did you do for yours? Did you get the new HS bling yet? SHe is still waiting for hers, her son went poopy on the potty, she made the Design Team, the new CK rocks, LOST is a repeat again this week, that new recipe stunk, and (officer out of breath)ma'am, that was all I could take... SHe said to give you her phone number, and if you wanted you could call her."
You are clearly flattered, you have been given ultimate trust... the phone number... and you are so happy your blog pal is alright.
So, this was just a test run, there are little pieces of many of you in it, and yeah, I would totally call and go through all this with some officer if you disappeared.
Cause you scrappity bloggers rock... you are
Sweet, you share LO ideas, and love it when someone "scraplifts" you.
You know all the great online stores and kit clubs.
You e-mail me to "check in " if I am absent too long.
You make me laugh about things like trips to Target and burnt dinners.
You are encouraging. ("have you lost weight in those new pictures?" And we all know i love a good lie about that! )
Keep secrets... (wink, you know who you are!LOL)
I have also found that my blog friends, are a diverse group, and i mean in many ways. We have different scrap styles, yet love to see each others work. We all raise our kids differently, yet I have never heard a "tsk tsk" over those differences. We listen openly about each others faith, and since most people argue about it, that is a miracle right there!LOL. We are different races, ethnic backgrounds, etc. yet we each see beauty in the sparkly eyes and smiles we take self portraits of. We love different music, yet still listen to the tunes we share in the audio link. (new rule Adrienne, no WHAM allowed!LOL) Politics are not argued, and we all pulled for Chris Edwards to win, just cause we knew the scrap pages would be so dang cool. (just kidding!) So, yeah, though people laugh when I say things like "Well, I have this friend who..." ANd then they ask where I know them from... and that launches into the whole long blog explanation, but its okay, cause I think blogland is a good place to be from...