Uh-huh... hold on to your hats, because this, this is BREAD REVIEWAGE... I think the fact that I can be critical about things and let it fall under the guise of a "review" has really struck a chord with me...
Are there any positions out there for Criticsgeneralis??? (** new wordage alert... criticgeneralis is one who is good at critiquing, well.... everything!!) Seriously, can you see why this is right up my alley? I mean, it is not for everyone. I do have a PhD from the school of judgemental wenchiness. I majored in extreme sarcasm, and minored in repetitive complaining... you should see my thesis... I'll just tell you, the title is "My Allergies to Annoying People and Other Global Conspiracies."
Anyhoo... back to baked goods...
I got some new bread.
It was on sale.
I bought 6, yes 6 loaves.
It was a lovely Sara Lee bread.
"100% Whole Wheat!" it said...
"Hearty and Delicious!" it bragged...
Yeah Right.
I should preface the following childusrefusious story (*yep, it a twofer day on the new wordage. Childusrefusius is when a child refuses something, but it must be fully explained so you will know if it was bratmaximus refusious or simply an okrefusious.)
So, I am not raising sissy boys.
We don't cut crusts off bread or peel apples round these parts... oh no...
However, after both of my children tried repeatedly to embrace the Sara Lee bread, and kept saying things like, "It's got funny crunchies in it," or "What is all this hard stuff? I can't chew it." I finally acquiesced and gave them a different whole wheat bread.
Then, I realized, I didn't even like this bread. It was like eating an oat field for pity's sake.
It is one thing to be "grain filled"... it is another thing altogether to be a mine field of rough grainy pieces that will hurt your mouth, get stuck in your teeth, and cause hours of that whole tongue in the space between your teeth trying to wedge out the offending grain stuff.
The final straw came a few days ago when I literally pulled out a piece of wood. I think I could build a birdhouse with all the supposed grains in this bread.
I mean, this was literally a chunk of wood... in my bread... that I was eating...wood...
um, no thanks Sara Lee.
Your reviewage points below will be in direct proportion to the amount of time I spent chewing all that wood...
(this is a 5 star scale FYI)
Product Marketing:**** 4 stars, because it is brilliant to use the cost effectiveness of wood shavings rather than the more expensive actual grains to bulk up the loaf, you gotta give them props there...
Product taste:* The non-grainy portions were okay.
Overall Rating: NEGATIVE 5,422... for the simple fact that I had to floss my teeth after eating this bread you get negative stars...
So, there it is folks, the bread reviewage... stay tuned... other foods and household products may follow...
Here are a couple LOs using the new kit from Memorable Seasons. It was designed by Jen, one of the DT members, and is chock full of goodies. She did a really good job with it. So, go... buy one, make stuff, it will be cool. (click to enlarge)

These next ones are an acrylic album I am making for Lincoln's first week of school this year. I'll post it all when it is done later this month. Seriously, I have made this book, 3 LOs and still have tons of stuff left... see I slipped a pimpage in there on ya! :)
Now, these are the first two days of my August "31 day journal." This will be the third year I have done one. You simply make a page a day for 31 days. I always make myself use the scraps around my desk, so they are not masterpieces or anything, but the idea is to get them done!! (personal info has been blacked out!! )
Day one:

Day Two: