I died my hair RED this weekend, with the help of the ever faithful Jen. She was great and I would have chickened out if not for her! LOL. Now, NOTE: I am a hair stylist, I DO NOT reccommend anyone else try this at home... I knew what colors to mix, how my very blonde highlights would effect the outcome, etc. OK, disclaimer over. :)
So, now that I am liking the red, I tried some self portraits today. (elsie flaningan's blog was a big help, she had a little tutorial.)I have tried some recently and let me tell you, I was NOT HAPPY. I looked at those shots of myself and thought, "Good grief! AM I really that UGLY????" Seriously folks, these were not your garden varitey unattractive photos, they were U-G-L-Y. So, when I actually liked some today, I was very happy. I don't think I'm hideous or anything, but I also know I am no "hottie" so... a few good self protraits rocked on a Monday morning OK? I am a SAHM, I need these little bright spots in a world of sippy cups, dirty diapers, and whining.LOL. So, read, lurk, and feel free to leave a comment...

This one is my favorite... me and my little guy. He was even saying "cheeeeese". LOL.