I even donned the old black keds that are made to look like converse sneakers... stepping up my A Game in fashion I know. That brings me to today's rambling topic...
Everything old is new again in fashion.
I wish I had kept my madras plaid jams, YES I said it JAMS... remember those? I picked up the Macy's ad and there they were...
Madras Plaid Jams. Although they are now referred to as "Walking Shorts". Whatever, we all know they are Jams.
At least if "Walking shorts" are in the insanely obnoxious and hussified butt shorts may be out. (note Jessi and Johnsons, hussified is today's new wordage) One can only hope.
And before anyone gets all "You would have worn those when you were a teenager" on me, I will tell you, even in my hay day of mini-mini skirts I would not have dressed like a street walker. Yes, I said it. Those ultra short shorts remind me of a Vegas hooker who has been on the strip so long she doesn't bother with the skirts anymore.
Next up, the return of the "bright bags". Folks we are very close to the "N" word here... NEON! I am, quite honestly, a little scared. I am having flashbacks to a girl with feathered hair, black and white stripped clam diggers(yep, that was what we called capri pants) and four shirts on, layered in alternating shades of pink and green neon. Matching earrings and eyeshadow followed of course.
So, I like the bright bags, (me love orange) but please, designers, for the love of all that is holy... step back from the neon. It has been buried in the 80s and there it should stay.
On to shoes... I am loving that wedges are still going strong... Like the above neon fear, we are treading very close to bringing back a forgettable fashion. "Jelly" shoes. Really, any shoe that shares a name with a sandwich condiment should not happen. (roll your eyes, but I don't think anyone will run out to get their hands on Mayonnaise, the latest in white shoes. Or Mustards... when you need a little spice for your feet, or what about Ketchups... a lovely line of red shoes for evening wear. See??? When you put "Jelly's" in that context, the name is not so good is it?) Anyway, I am in fear because I have noticed some of the wedges and other summer shoes are vinyl... almost to the point of plastic... ala "Jelly" shoes. Does no one remember how bad those things made your feet sweat and smell???
So, that is all I have on the fashion front. Now you know why I write about baby poop all the time... its what I understand.
And isn't that what all women dream of being able to say?
"I don't get the new fashions, but I can have an hour long conversation about my child's bowel movements."
New scrappiness will follow...
New Unpubbed LO. Its open calls again, go get your stuff out make something already.(I am the encourager on the DT does it show?HAHAHAHAHAHA)

And the gratitude prompt from Ronda... I love my Cherith. She is awesome, hence she gets the grat LO. (grat, new abbreviation for gratitude cause it takes me too long to type it.)
And the boys...