So, as some of you may know, I headed to Denver this weekend, (yes, in all of my knockedupedness.) A group of us Blog Pals got together at
Ronda's for a weekend of scrapping, shopping, and MUCH laughter. I have titled the weekend
"IRL" or "In real Life" since this was actually the first time any of us actually met. Yes, I have already been met with the stare some of you are now giving your computer screen. It is the stare that is akin to the one given if I had said the words "internet dating". Oh well, I am over the weird looks, and had a blast. Ronda and her husband, Andy were the
best hosts to us, and Andy will herein be referred to as "Husband Andy". Serious fun was had by all. Here are some pics of the gang. Be expecting more in the near future as I got THREE disks of pics from Ronda of all our fun. :)

Here is
Kim, who only got to join us for one night, and flew in after her sister's wedding. Talk about virtual dedication!! She is just as sweet in person as I thought she'd be too.

Here is
Karla. KDud, Miss D, and many more names we came up with as she cracked us up... yep, she
Shore did. ROFLMBO!!

Here is
Tannis, and yes I am proud that I have a Tannis kiss picture now. She is amazing, and a mom of moms.

Here is
Vee... she was my scrapping bud, and she slammed out the coolest pages. I was wanting her creativity to just rub off on me a little. Thankfully we aren't too far from eachother so I will get to see her soon.
Husband Andy making pasta. From Scratch. Yes, you read that right. The best part, him telling me, Tannis and Jessi that since none of us were "incessantly annoying" the weekend was great. Seriously, the man put up with way more estrogen than he should ever have to, and the pasta was amazing - even if he hoodwinked me into eating Buffalo meatballs!!
Chrissy. I made her embrace her curls for the weekend, and she looked awesome. She gets the Bambi award for most shed tears. :)
Ronda, our hostess with the mostess. She reminds me of my sister Sharon, all caring and sweet. She is amazing, creative, and wonderful.

Amber and
Jessi. Jessi kept me in stitches with her accent. They both take model like photos as well. Amber may not update about the trip for a while, she has 56 Design Team gigs to do... bwaahahahahahaha. :)
The whole gang again.

These are the BEST chickies. They even threw me a baby shower while we were there. Yes, a baby shower. I cannot believe I made it through without bawling. I could not have asked for a better group of friends, and meeting them IRL was awesome, and will be done again asap. So yes Micah, the virtual friends rock. :)