In other unrelated, and rather gross news. I was quite proud this morning to not only get the boys out the door dressed, fed, and Lincoln ready for "picture day" at school in a mere 45 minutes. Then... Emerson, that little stinker - LITERALLY- said "Mommy, poopy in potty." Which in his little 2 yr old world means... "Hey Mom, full diaper, and yeah, I know its supposed to go in the potty, but I am not giving in on that one yet, and just to torture you I will keep saying 'Poopy in Potty' so you think I have finally got it, when in reality I am still doing the diaper dumping" I really believe that is what he thinks, he just lacks the vocabulary to say so. After I borrowed Adrienne's superpowers momentarily, I was able to sprint into the house, get the necessary supplies and dispose of the mess in record time. And the BEST part...we still made it to school in time to utilize the car line drop off line. I really did NOT want to go in in my "Vote for Pedro" t-shirt, ballcap, flops, and legs that are in need of lotion and a shave... hmmm, guess I could add that to my "5 embarassing things" page. Happy Friday to one and all...

Yay! I can post on yours again!! I'm loving watching this journal come together! I'm happy to be able to read what your journaling! I love your candidness (is that a word) in your answers. I had to laugh about Whitney's "pipes" and feeding the boys creamer and water. I would've done that too if I were clever enough to think about it! LOL!!
ReplyDeleteIt never fails...just when you're headed out the door- Bam!! The poopy fairy makes a visit! LOL!
ReplyDeleteYour album is looking GREAT! I have a 2-year-old also who is opposed to the potty; she can easily tell me she's "poopy," but could care less about doing anything about it! LOL
ReplyDeletethe journal is coming along great, love the entries for today.