So, I have friends. Crafty friends. They make things like quilts, robots dolls, cupcakes with fondant owls, and other assorted awe-inspiring goodies. I like crafts, but would not call myself Martha Stewart by any means. I lack the patience for it. Yes, I love the idea of a quilt... but to learn how to follow a pattern and actually measure fabric? No thanks. The thought of pretty little fondant shapes atop cupcakes is indeed something I adore. The process of rolling out said fondant, and dying it, and all that mess... not for me.
I like to make jewelry. Earrings? 10 minutes and done.
I like scrapbooking. New layout to make? 15 minutes and voila... memory recorded.
I guess I am a fast food crafter. I want a drive through cupcake class or a quickly delivered quilt.
My friend Bridgette made me two camera straps for my birthday. Yes,
MADE them. I mean, she literally got fabric, leather, and nylon and
MADE these straps. I was in awe. (suffice to say Bridgette is also gorgeous, smart, an amazing cook, and has a spotless house. I informed her if she didn't get acne or get fat soon, we could not be friends anymore.) (stop. I am just kidding. I'll take chubby... kidding again.)
So, last week under the careful eye of Sarah (aka crafter extraordinaire) we made shirts. She figured out this whole cute freezer paper + fabric paint= cute t-shirt plan. Perk number one: crafty friends who figure out the craft ahead of time. I did not start off this craft very well. I needed a dog silhouette for Hadji's shirt. I googled. I, of course, picked a dog that contained a virus and before I could say "save photo" my computer was blinking and beeping and things like "VIRUS ALERT. TROJAN DETECTED!!" were screaming across the screen. Micah began the difficult task of de-virusing my computer, and asking why I didn't just go buy a shirt at the GAP. (hello. any mom can do that! I am trying to be a crafty mom!!) Here is the finished product :
I will not share any photos of the craftier mom's shirts. Suffice to say, robots and flip flops make my dog look... sad.
Here is my idea of a good craft:
Yes, it is a journal entitled "Wreck This Journal". I bought when I was still in the state of knockedupedness with Alden. It has had a lovely shelf spot since. The whole concept is that you...
wreck, the journal. I am fairly confident I can do this one, and do it well. Maybe.
Click on that photo above. You see, you get all sorts of instructions on ways to wreck the journal. At the end, you mail it back to yourself. Lincoln has been quite enamored with it since reading the page that asks you to burn it... I may get him one.
Here is another craft I am able to do. it is called Project Life, and thanks to Corey and Nicole, and their willingness to answer my
annoying incessant inquisitive questions about it, I took the plunge. You are basically documenting your everyday life, week by week for a whole year. I also
forced cajoled encouraged Chrissy to do it as well. Woohoo for some positive peer pressure!
So, I have been trying to get my craft on. I may not be Martha Stewart, but I am tryin'...