Anyway. Kids are happy, husbands are chatting... very nice. You see either one of those could have been the friendship buster. Oh, stop looking at your computer all a-gog. You KNOW there are people who you are friends with, but your husbands don't click, or the kids fight every time they are together, and hence... the friendship suffers. Sad, but true.
Well I am happy to report that Sean and Chrissy have been where only the closest of friends have gone and lived to tell about it...
Brad and Allison, Lorena, Jen, and sadly, I think even you Kim, (yes YOU, the blog stalking one... LOL) you know what I mean... here it is:
Everyone is happy, playing, chatting, we are like a durn Norman Rockwell painting. As the menfolk finish up the grilling (sorry Betty Friedan, totally a "Boy-Job" at this house) a storm rolls in and it is pouring. I mean POURING. After getting all kids in, draining the rainwater off the grilled meat treats, I hear laughing... I see Felix pointing... I peer around the corner...
And there is my little Emerson... buck NAKED!
"EEK! What are you doing?"
He looks at ME like I am the one who is crazy and says, "Dat rain got my clothes all wet."
Like, Duh, mom, why else would I be stripped down to my bare butt in the middle of this room full of new faces? Seriously, the kid was looking at me like why would you NOT take off wet clothes?
I looked at Sean and Chrissy... knowing it was a defining moment... would the bare buns marr the potential for future cookouts and such???
Would they ever be able to get past the fact that apparently, rain inspires nudity in our home???
I breathe a sigh of relief when I see them doubled over laughing.
Plus I let Sean win at Poker, so now they have to be our friends... hahahahaha....
and the pictures:
Now, this week marked an important event in our home... it was our Wedding Anniversary. We are not anniversaryish kind of people. There are no $100 dinners, renewing of vows, etc. I did try and convince Micah that I needed a new ring, but once he realized where the comma was in the one I liked, he laughed. Quite heartily I might add.
Well, I thought we were doing our typical celebration. (um, meaning nothing.) We did haul out the old wedding video earlier this week and watched it with the boys. So funny to see those big bangs, skinny butts, and old friends.
BUT... then Micah hauled out the big guns...
It was our last small group night for church and I thought he brought his guitar for all of us to sing. Nope, he asks the group to indulge him, explains that it is our Anniversary and whips out a huge rose bouquet. (mind you the number of roses was our number of years married even! He had them delivered to our friend's house where we meet too... planned AHEAD, that always wins big points with me!) Then, he asks me to come sit by him and sings my song for me. It is a song he wrote for me a few years ago. He would never admit it, but it is an amazing song, I totally think he could sell it. So he sang it, there, for me, in front of lots of people, after saying many nice and sweet things about me.
Everyone give the collective "Awwwww". Yep, he is THAT kind of husband. I have said it before and will say it again, I so don't deserve him, but I am so glad I have him.
Thanks Micah, I love you!!!
Here is my latest LO for Unpubbed... Gotta love the orange dye in tangerine Italian ice!

And this one is for Memorable Seasons: