The boys were pretty excited on Christmas Eve. Well, Lincoln was excited thus making Emerson so, simply by virtue of the monkey see, monkey do creed. We had our traditional meal... A little German feast. It is my way of infusing my heritage into the holidays. :) We always have kielbasa, sauerkraut, potatoe patties, green beans and bacon, and normally, apple pie for dessert. I had to skip the apple pie though, as I had spent all day baking and making desserts and ran out time. So, despite the fact that Micah and his sister, who ate with us, refuse to watch It's A Wonderful Life, I was still in happy holiday mode...
That cheerfulness ended when Lincoln got up.
Very early.
Very, very, early.
3:55AM early.
Yes, you read that right... My son tried to get up at 3:55am.
He came in our room and asked if it was time to open presents?
NO!! I told him it was the middle of the night, and he could lay on the couch, but we were NOT opening presents yet.
At 5:30 am I woke up and he had moved himself to under the tree. It was cute though, there he was all wrapped in a blanket just watching the gifts and waiting, still awake!

I moved him to a chair near the tree and he knocked off at 6:30am. So, we opened presents at 8AM when the rest of us got up! :)
I moved him to a chair near the tree and he knocked off at 6:30am. So, we opened presents at 8AM when the rest of us got up! :)
We are now living in a state of toyoverloadedness. Yes, Jessi, that is a new word, just for you! :) I think children lose the ability to play when there is toyoverloadedness... so some of these new goodies will be hidden away for a rainy day.
And, we now have a face to put with a name... Do you remember in the last post, I told about Emerson and his "other family." Well... we now know who Ha-her is... We were watching football on the 23rd and lo and behold, Em starts cheering, "Go my boy, go!!!" Then he proudly gets up and points to Drew Brees, the quarterback of the New Orleans Saints, and says, "That is my boy, that my Ha-Her."
"Really???" we all say.
"Yeah, that him." Emerson says.
So, Lincoln asks him, "Does Doh play football too?"
"No, he's a little guy." was Emerson's reply... to which we all fell over laughing!!! Where does this kid get this stuff???