Here are a few...
Lincoln : Looking at me the day we come home from the hospital, looking at my stomach and saying... "Mom, I think it still looks like you are a little pregnant..."
Seeing my shocked reaction, he reiterates... "Well, just a little..."
Thanks son...
Emerson, as he is watching me pump milk. He has studied the pump's mechanisms and now, seeing the milk in the bottles, says, "Ma, this one beating that one" due to the fact that yes, indeed the left bottle is filling up at a quicker rate than the right. I did not let my mammary glands know there was in fact a race taking place.
Emerson, again...
Opening the fridge and seeing all the bottles of milk lined up... "Oh my goodness, MA! You got alot of milk for the baby!"
Lincoln's response "holy Moley you do!"
Emerson again...
"Ma, when the baby go back in your belly?"
So, we are getting back to normal here, trying to answer e-mails, etc. Alden is a really good baby, even giving us a nice long stretch at night sleeping the last two nights... 10:30-3:45, and 10:00-3:15. Plus, I have mastered setting him up in his boppy to eat whilst I milk, and then we get done a whole lot quicker... necessity is the mother of invention you know... :)

yes, very similar shots, but they were both so cute!!!

It has been asked, so I will tell... there was no epidural involved in the birth. The whole point of getting it is to clam you, needle in my back...not calming to me! Seriously, I think I would freak out.
So, there you have it... an update that technically took me three days to finish up... sad, but true!!
aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwww Jude...I want to come visit SOOOOO BAD!!!! I just gotta hold little dude! Oh he is SOOOO CUTE! Adn Emerson...ha haaaaaaaaaaaaa..."...a little pregnant." LOL!!!!!!! He is so funny! It's going to be a treat to see all the silly, innocent things he says now hu? I can't wait to hear more!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations again :)
lolm your children are the cutest!!
ReplyDeleteI love Alden, so so cute and I bet you look great!! ;)
cutest pics ever!
he's a cutie! LOL at all the funny kids quotes.
ReplyDeleteAnd no really are my hero.
LOVE the quotes!!!!!! And the pics are so GREAT!!!!
ReplyDeletei think i got some of those same quotes from my "big" two as well(kicking myself that i didn't write them down). and cheers to you for no epidural, i tried one on my third and the whole sit still in the fetal position, totally not good. and then i proceeded to tell them it didn't work(which was true), so not worth it. (ok, that comment's a little late, but just agreeing with your decision).
ReplyDeleteYou are seriously out numbered...LOL. Love the "man" perspectives and of course with them it is always a race. Alden is so stinking cute....I just love that little faces of his. I hope mamma is doing well and is getting some rest too!
ReplyDeleteno epidural?
ReplyDeleteyou are my new hero. serioulsy. i was crying for one as soon as i walked in the hospital doors.
what a cutie. love all the comments from the boys :)
Jude, what a BEAUTIFUL baby! I mean, really...he's GORGEOUS!!! Such a sweet, sweet face!
ReplyDeleteDontcha just love the words that come from your childs mouth? Sometimes they can be a little TOO honest. Jayla STILL tells me I look a "little" pregnant. And she's almost SIX!!! ARGH!!! :-)
lol! Love your boys' comments! And he's just so beautiful! Glad things are going well and you're getting some sleep! Kim
ReplyDeletelol.. that is too funny.. out of the mouths of babes. That little cutie looks just like his daddy.
ReplyDeleteawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww too cute!!! LOL
ReplyDeletewow, no epideral. you are my hero. Yes, big needle, but you can't see it, so nothing to be scared of.. But obviously, you can handle it! And the comments from the boys, Oh my! So hilarious! um, just a little pregnant! Too funny!
ReplyDeletehe is just the cutest. All that hair. What a big guy though. Love all the adorable quotes. Kids really say some hilarious things.
ReplyDeleteOK no epidural.....I didn't feel the needle in my back, because I could only feel 6lbs of kid trying to spread my 30 inch hips apart. Took care of the 30 inch hip thing ya girl.
Glad everything is going good and can't believe there was no epidural. Your the woman! I had one with all three of mine...I am not a fan of pain. Have a blessed day!
ReplyDeleteComing from a mom who is also outnumbered with three sons and a husband, welcome to my world!! The milk comments are just the tip of the iceberg.
ReplyDeleteI think there is a special place in heaven reserved just for us! Ha ha!
Alden is getting a special little goodie from me and Jen's Etsy shop. He's such a cute little pork chop! I wanna eat him up! LOL!!
bowing down to you girl are woman!! i had 2 epidurals and truly needle in the back....hard contractions...the needle didn't hurt at all....never felt it like it did the contractions....YOU ARE WOMAN!! i hear you ROAR!! lol
ReplyDeletekeep you eye on your mailbox :)
you have an ultra cute third child.
ReplyDeleteand i love lincoln's bluntness. i can hear him someday when he's married....
wife: "honey, does this dress make my butt look fat?"
lincoln: "yes. well, only a little"
Such funny comments and that Alden is just too cute. Look up 'woman' in the dictionary and there will be a picture of you! A ten pound baby without an are amazing.
ReplyDeletehe is so gorgeous Jude! makes me want another one! you got love a kids perspective!!! and emmerson's seems to be right on target!!!
ReplyDeletealden is super sweet!!! totally cute!!!
glad to hear things are settling in nicely!!! how's mom doing...besides looking only a little pregnant still???
Have a fabulous long weekend...happy thanksgiving from canadia!!! LOL!!
welcome home. the baby is just beautiful. dont worry, we all looke a little pregnant after being pregnant! i'm sure you look great :) btw - i have your CJ....its on its way to Chrissy this week. promise!
ReplyDeleteLook at all that hair! Cute kid! :)
ReplyDeletei love how Emerson turned your pumping into a competition. that's so boy.
ReplyDeletehope you are well. Alden is absolutely precious and adorable.
i tagged you on my blog today. no pressure.