In other news, I am back to feeling normal, and the dairycowedness state is going well. SO well in fact that we need to buy another freezer for all the milk. We have an upright freezer, but I am literally cooking the food out of it just to make room for the milk I am freezing. So... we are going to have to invest in another one. I have been searching Craigslist to no avail, so I guess this means we have to head to Sears... unless one of you has one and can send it to me... haha.
I have been reading alot whilst pumping. I have not found an easy way to scrap and do it so... I flew through three books that Melanie sent me. They were great reads, and I will gladly send them on to someone else if you want. ( they were all by Diane Mott Davidson, Catering to Nobody, The LAst Suppers, and The Cereal Murders.) Then last week Saturday I grabbed a Jodi Picoult book, The Pact, while in Target... It was nice and long so I figured it would be a good one to last awhile whilst pumping. (yes, I must say WHILST when referring to pumping, it gives some measure of dignity.) ... um, not so. I could not put it down and finished it by Wednesday. This is why I do not buy books. :) I think I will hit the library this week instead eh?
The six week mark is fast approaching, that means I will need to start some exercising again. Really, your body should get thinner with each child, and in better shape. I mean you are creating life and helping the human race to continue, so it would be a nice perk. Alas, that is not the case, and before anything goes any further south, I must hit the weights.
Here are a couple pictures of Alden smiling. I LOVE it when Lincoln and Emerson get him to, so so cute. :)
Here is my latest LO for UnPubbed, go and participate K??? :)