Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hello 2013

I know, its been a while.
I just couldn't publish many of the posts I have written in the last few months.
Some were just so... negative.
I like to poke fun at things, but if I am not careful, it sounds very harsh. I sent my Micah a post I had written up about people and their moral high ground bragging about not seeing Magic Mike or reading 50 Shades of Grey. He had to be honest (which is what I want) and tell me it sounded quite mean.
Then there were the posts about the election... oy vey. Let me just say, you will not find a registered Democratic OR Republican voter card in Jesus' pants pockets. Because he wore a robe, and was an Independent dummy. Just Kidding. Sort of.

So, I took a break from it all so I didn't become a snarky-what-or-who-can-I-make-myself-superior-to-today-type-of-blogger.

But now it is 2013. So I am back.

With a sunnier disposition.
 Sort of... 


  1. i wondered where you were friend:) And boy do I know what you are talking about. Maybe we could have our own private blog where we post the things we cant say publicly and still keep friends? Ha. Glad to see you again. Love the post so much on Martha Fern.

  2. For some reason, when I comment from my phone it, blogger doesn't recognize it. :/

    Anyways, glad you're back! Snarky or not. :)
