I am laying down the law, and putting it out here into blogland for all to see...
I will never, yes I am saying NEVER allow my sons to wear skinny jeans.
Now, I can say this because in all likelihood, by the time they are old enough to question the clothes I purchase them, skinny jeans will be so over.
But... for now, they are being purchased by too many young men in America.
I plan on making this the hill I am willing to die on. I think it will work since I plan on being the mom who will be okay with funky hair cuts and colors. I will rock out with my kiddos, providing the lyrics have nothing to do with sex, drugs, or hating your mama. I will let them have dessert first sometimes, and not freak out when it is time for "the talk". (ok, that last one is so not true. I still do not call body parts their correct name, and cannot ever imagine doing so with a straight face. It will surely be a giggle laden talk. ) With all that, I am hoping and praying that the harsh forbidding of skinny jeans will be overlooked.
Why, you may wonder am I taking such a hostile stance against the skinny jean...
Well, here is a list of reasons, in no particular order...
**They are made for girls. Look at Audrey Hepburn... now think, did ANY of her leading men wear the same jeans as her? I think not! "Darling, toss me your jeans, and let's go on a Roman Holiday!" Um, no...
**They make boys look like girls.
**Boys have smaller butts than girls and thus, the skinny jean is just a slap in the face with their metabolic rate superiority.
**They make a boys feet look big and floppy and awkward. Teenage boys are already awkward enough.
**Muffin tops and boys are even scarier than muffin tops and girls.
I have also heard that older men are now embracing the skinny jean... this is disturbing on many levels. First of all, that metabolic superiority, it is over for the older adult male, and second of all... EEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWW. Not to mention, ladies, really... if you are out with your man and he has to defend you, how tough does he come off looking whilst wearing skinny jeans? I think the force of the punch is directly proportional to the fit of the jean and how manly the derriere looks.
So, I am officially going public with my hatred of the skinny jean.
Who agrees with me? If you love the skinny jean, raise your hand.
(crickets chirping...) yep, no one. I thought so...
Oh, and by the way, I am getting hits on here from Wasilla, Alaska... Sarah Palin, is that you????
On to some creativity then...
Well, first some Mommy reflectivity actually...
This boy. He is five now. He will start school soon. You would think that a kid who is so rough and tumble would be all, "school... see ya' mom!" Um... no. Poor Hadji, he and Lincoln were talking about school in the car and he got all teary eyed and choked up and said, "um. I fink, i will not like school. I fink, I will (gulp, and voice cracking) I fink I will miss my mom all day wong." The head is buried in the hands. I was shocked, and again, we have evidence that Hadji is not as tough as he seems.

Memory Blocks... you take a 6x6 picture, cut it up into 2x2 squares and decoupage it on the blocks.I left one side blank to write witty quotes about family and such... it is still blank. You can interpret that however you see fit.

Memory Blocks... you take a 6x6 picture, cut it up into 2x2 squares and decoupage it on the blocks.I left one side blank to write witty quotes about family and such... it is still blank. You can interpret that however you see fit.
A challenge for Memorable Seasons. I wanted people to scrap without a photo, mine is a grocery list written by Lincoln. I have not moved into the not-embarassed-to-take-a-photo-in-the grocery-store-category yet. Yet...

Seriously, this is Hadji's stuffed dog. This was my first time "babysitting" her... I got lots of instructions. LOTS. We went over food allergies, sleeping schedule, and even behavioral issues... the pay stunk.

Seriously, this is Hadji's stuffed dog. This was my first time "babysitting" her... I got lots of instructions. LOTS. We went over food allergies, sleeping schedule, and even behavioral issues... the pay stunk.
My little fat dog is in the matchbox car phase. I am not sure if I can handle all this growing up. Micah knows it is greatly affecting my ability to stay the course on the "we're done having babies" topic.